Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Today's summary Of Deep in the jungle of doom.

 I run to the clearing, and strangely enough, the stone beast seems scared of this area, and leaves me alone.  Explore the clearing and find a table, which is decorated with shrunken heads, and has a basket of fruit on top.  Soon, I am unable to resist taking a nice bite of the fruit, as if I am powerless to resist, but when I finish it, I start to feel strange, and Zoë, after appearing concerned for a few seconds, suddenly runs away from me.  I realise that she ran because, I am not human anymore – I am some kind of strange fish like monster!  I hear someone approaching, and (if I decide to wait) it turns out to be a kid named Ben, who is another member of the Junior Explorers.  Thankfully, he knows that I am  really a human, because of a pamphlet he read (it’s not as contrived as it sounds), which talks about a tribe of medicine men, who leave enchanted fruit out to turn people into monsters.  The pamphlet also explains how to reverse the process, by another fruit, so I have to find it (the fruit, not the pamphlet).....

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